Google, your eternal friend.
Flash is the best tool for animating, but if it's your first time animating, I recommend you to download the trial first. See if you REALLY like it, then buy it. Because it's actually a big ... investment? (sorry, no english).
In the mean time, there are a lot of FREE possibilities you can use; koolmoves being one of them. But I heard it's pretty lacking, considering you can't even save and load. I recommend you get sothink swf quicker, the trial lasts 15 days last time I checked. Then, get Macromedia Flash 8 (when it was still macromedia's) trial, 30 days. Then adobe Flash CS3, 30 more days. So you have plenty of time to try out. :D
: That is, assuming macromedia and adobe's registry editing is completely different.
For sound editing, goldwave is a good tool. But I personally prefer Audacity much more. Sound creating, FruityLoops can do the job.
If you have really good drawing skills but you find it hard to draw with a mouse, get a Graphic Tablet. Wacom ones are the best in the market, but they're quite pricey. I own a Genius one, works quite cool. I prefer the mouse though, now I think the tablet was a waste of money :P
You look like a good guy, keep up that motivation and try your best. :D
Also, for any software I listed here, Google is always good. :)
Sound effects, you can find them in google too; altough good Alternatives are
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Google's your friend, use it, and good luck. :D
Koolmoves flash tool
Goldwave sound editing tool
and i can send you sound FX, just tell me what kind you need, and how to send em.
Cool! Thanks!
I have recently learned that I must buy Flash, so I'll get to that first.
Where could I obtain Goldwaves?